
Showing posts from November, 2015

Day 24

Izzie took her 1st trip to the mall today. I got my Christmas gift today - personalized frames for my classroom: All of Izzie's new ornaments are here too. The top left is from my friend, Robin. The bottom left is from my mom. I bought the top middle and right ones today at the mall. And got pictures for the bottom middle and right ones. I almost forgot to take a picture today so this is all I got. 

Day 23

Dad and his babies. Izzie got this free onesie from the Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress.

Day 22

Happy 3 weeks Izzie! I took pics today for our Christmas cards.  Here it is! Izzie's 1st tree! We hung out with CJ & Andie.

Day 21

Izzie's 1st bath! And 1st time in a restaurant - for dad's birthday breakfast.

Day 20

Izzie's 1st Thanksgiving & 1st holiday. She met her great-grandma. And her Uncle Mike. Also, her cord finally fell off.  Family picture.

Day 19

Izzie gained weight! She's now 4lbs 10oz. 

Day 18

What a great snuggler!

Day 17

I got released from the hospital and spent the entire day with Izzie, my mom and Jack.    Her birth print came in!

Day 16

I wish this day didn't have to come so soon after Izzie's birth but it's the first full day I haven't seen Izzie. :( I got my gall bladder taken out but Scott took lots of pics for me. I am in a ton of pain and I miss my kids :( Big thanks to my mom for coming down to help Scott take care of the kids (and me when I get home) for a few days. 

Day 15

Crystal & Jason came to meet Izzie. It was awesome seeing them.  Izzie is 2 weeks old today! During their visit I spiked a fever of 102.4... called my doctor and she said to go to the ER. They are going to take out my gall bladder tomorrow. Huge thanks to Scott's mom and dad for taking both kiddos.

Day 14

She's back up to 4lbs 6oz. She needs to keep gaining though. I ended up in the ER tonight with massive pain and gallstones but was released - need to get surgery in the next few weeks. HUGE thanks to Amber and Jeff for watching Izzie and Scott's mom and dad for taking Jack. DOn't know where we'd be without help from great friends and family. <3

Day 13

We've officially been home for a week! We visited NHS after school so coworkers could meet her. I tried to take some newborn pics of her but she basically cried the whole time :(

Day 12

I finally am making enough milk to have a stash frozen in the fridge which is a HUGE deal because I didn't make nearly enough for Jack.  At her pediatrician appointment, she weighed 4lbs 6oz but that was with diaper on and poop in it. UGH. Her doctor gave us a preemie nipple for the bottle and she took MUCH more after having that. And she wasn't choking.  What a peanut.

Day 11

Izzie had a cardiology appointment today. It went well- her heart is doing fine still. She's supposed to be gaining an ounce a day and she's lost weight so they are going to have me add formula to my breastmilk to make it higher calories.  CJ & Andie visited.  Grandpa was still here too.

Day 10

1:00a baby snuggles Grandpa came to visit.

Day 9

Uncle CJ came over. He took some cute pics of Izzie but she was crying a lot so it wasn't that easy.  Loving baby snuggles.