
Showing posts from September, 2016

Day 329

Isabelle's famous! She was put in the MDSC email that went out to everyone in MA connected to Down Syndrome. A link to our story is here . Roughly 200 people checked out this blog today and tomorrow (I write these in the future).  Grandma Fuchs went home :(

Day 328

Grandma FUchs spending time with Isabelle outside. <3 These two are two peas in a pod. 

Day 327

Izzie had a cardiology follow up today. So they've been watching two minor things that have happened since her surgery. One is an obstruction in her left ventricle. One is a leaky mitral valve. The left ventricle obstruction has stabilized and is unlikely to ever turn into anything. As with most things, anything is possible.  The mitral valve has gotten leakier. Only slightly. They're gonna watch her for awhile and make sure it doesn't get worse and they can't find a reason why it's leakier. He said it could just be one of those things where it's worse some days and we caught it on a bad day. There are several things that can cause it to be leakier, none of them were found in her.  Grandma Fuchs is down for a few days helping me since Scott is in Atlanta this week. Isabelle sat in the cart for the first time. She LOVED it. 

Day 326

Loves turkey. 

Day 325

Izzie's first trip to the ER :( She woke up at 3:40a breathing really hard. Very scary. Luckily, it was just croup. They gave her steroids and sent us home with instructions for how to deal with it at home.

Day 324

Izzie's first time at the Big E.  We visited Scott's grandparents. And parents!

Day 323

We went apple picking today. Yummy. Then I took some fall pics of her. They didn't come out great. I'll have to try again.

Day 322


Day 321

Mean mugging.

Day 320

Best siblings ever.

Day 319

Feeding herself like a big girl.

Day 318

Love this kiddo.

Day 317

We went to the buddy walk in Westboro. It was awesome - like 70 kids from Northbridge were there volunteering. We went to a friend's daughter's 5th birthday party.  And we got to see grandma & grandpa Bentley!

Day 316

We went to a kid's 5th birthday party. Izzie hung out in this swing.  Then Uncle CJ came over.  Cuddling.

Day 315

This girl is awesome.

Day 314

Happy girl. 

Day 313

Isabelle has 2 appointments today. Her ENT confirmed that she would need her tonsils and adenoids out by the time she's 2. Also, they found fluid behind both ear drums so she needs tubes placed in her ears in the next month. Basically he was like, "we're headed into winter so this is not going to get better and she will be getting ear infections". Minor surgery. Her ortho said her hips feel good and he doesn't see/feel anything wrong. However, he said her feet are extremely flexible which will cause problems when walking so when she starts to become interested in walking/standing she will need braces. Not sure for how long. 

Day 312

These two...

Day 311

Part of her new physical therapy is to sit as often as possible including when eating. Big girl in her high chair!

Day 310

I love how much these two love each other. 

Day 309

Isabelle's runner, Laura, ran the rise up & run for Georgia's Mothers Against Drunk Driving 5k this morning. She made a t-shirt that says "I run 4 Isabelle".  Isabelle looks psyched. LOL. We went to the Wolnys after!

Day 308

These two love each other so much. Jack was cracking her up. 

Day 307


Day 306

Happy 10 months peanut!

Day 305

Nothing makes Isabelle happier than attention. Also, her brother cracks her up. S he's also a huge fan of teething crackers called num nums. Feeding herself is a huge deal.

Day 304

Isabelle's first fair!

Day 303

Stretching. La di dah.  Her first draft as well. Like her team? Playing around with snapchat filters. 

Day 302

Isabelle did MUCH better on the swings this time.  These two love each other soooo much.