Day 116

Boston Children's was able to fit Izzie in for a "feed & wrap" MRI today which means she needed to not eat and then when we go t there, feed her so she hopefully fell asleep and then we wrap her nice and tight so shes warm. It was not sedated. If today did not work out then she would've had to go back tomorrow for a sedated one and be admitted overnight. 

Luckily, after 45 minutes of me rocking her after feeding, she went to sleep and they were able to do the MRI. She did wake p crying a few times but we were able to get her to go back to sleep but a 45 minute ultrasound turned into 2.5 hours. Poor kiddo. (Reminder, I had an MRI done this summer on her brain so I had to get into the machine... and I always knew I was a little claustrophobic but never knew I was THAT bad because I cried the entire time and had to be taken out several times.

They are looking for this suspicious thing in her brain that could be 1 of 5 things:
1. the brain bleed she had when she was born - it hadn't shrunk... which they are thinking is highly unlikely because they do shrink. She may never have had this in the first place.
2. fluid in the brain which may mean she may need shunts in her brain in the future.
3. just some extra tissue that make the above mentioned fluid... so we'd have to keep an eye on it.
4. a mild case of ventriculomeglay which would need to be watched.
5 nothing.

The preliminary results came back as NOT being blood which is good because it means she can still have surgery on Friday. The maybe bad news is that would mean that she could have the other stuff. At least blood clears up on its own:( We shall see.

My mom came down to help watch Jackson for the next few days and snuggle Izzie while she's home.She will be admitted Thursday because she is having a sedated echo and then her heart surgery will be Friday and she will be in the hospital only 5-7 days. 


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