Day 122

Happy 4 months, peanut! It's reallllllly flown by. 

The blanket on her below is a prayer shawl (that looks like a watermelon) made by someone from St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Parish and even though I'm not Catholic (although I do believe in prayer) I think it's a really cool thing that someone made. They made one for each of us which is awesome and very thoughtful. 

Wire free since this am. The pacing wires that were in her body (wrists, I think) that gave instantaneous and continuous blood pressure were taken out today as was the nose cannula. The only thing left is the IV for when they need to give her meds (antibiotics and Tylenol at this point... plus she may be on some lasiks still) or take blood for labs. 

Jack came to visit today too!

She's slated to come home on Wednesday after having labs taken, a chest x-ray and another sedated MRI tomorrow. As long as they go well, she will be coming home Wednesday. 


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