
Showing posts from August, 2016

Day 299

Love this peanut. Today Isabelle was matched with a runner for the organization I RUN FOR . Her name is Laura and her daughter Ryann is also helping. Basically, it matches people who work out with people who can't for a variety of reasons. That's not to say Isabelle won't ever be able to run but she likely will not be running 5ks and marathons. You never know. SO it helps give the runners a more meaningful work out and race because they're doing it for someone who can't and it give the buddies and their families people to cheer on and support. It builds relationships. I am psyched to say Laura & Ryann are running a 5k in Georgia on October 8. We'll make signs for them and cheer them on from afar. Until then we'll get updates 3x a week. I think it's a really awesome idea. 

Day 298

Look at this chunkamonk.

Day 297

Sleeping girl. Don't worry - she doesn't sleep with all of those blankets. I just didn't take them out for the picture. One of them is Jackson's and he would NEVER let her sleep with it. LOL.

Day 296

We tried to get in one last family day so we took the kids to Dinosaur Place in CT. Jacked freaking LOVED it. There was a huge playground and a splash pad and a bounce house and of course tons of dinosaurs. It was super expensive though.  Cuddling after the park. It is so cute how much these two love each other. Izzie watches everything he does and he occasionally stops for a minute to chat with her. A huge smiles is on his face when he plays with her. He was even making her giggle today.

Day 295

I tried to take the kids on a short hike to the point where RI, CI & MA meet. But I only got .57 of the way there. AT that point, you can't use the stroller. So Jack needed to walk, uphill. I thought he would love it because it's in the woods and it's rocky. NOPE. We got about .1 of the way up and he freaked out. So I carried him back down and we turned around. Izzie was in a carrier on me.   Also - Izzie's first time at the beach. We took them to Sand Hill Cove in RI because everyone said there were no waves....... there were little waves but not no waves and Jack really wasn't a huge fan until I picked him up and carried him out with me. 

Day 294

More Isabelle & Dexter cuddling. We went to Old Sturbridge Village today. Jack loved it. I had to wet Izzie a few times because it was so hot out. 

Day 293

Dexter almost always chooses to sit/lay next to Izzie. She recently has been very interested in him - trying to pet him or hold his paw.

Day 292

Isabelle has her first taste of peanut butter with no reaction. But as most people know (and everyone SHOULD know) - it's almost always the 2nd or 3rd exposure that triggers a reaction, if it's going to. We visited dad at work today!

Day 291

Well we found the first food Izzie doesn't like - avocado.  Happy girl.

Day 290

We're trying to teach Iz how to hold a cup. It went ok. We'll have to try different ones. 

Day 289

I've had a few people comment to me recently about when these updates get sent to their email inbox. I don't send them at 4 in the morning. I do them the night before (or in this case, 5:50a on 8/29 for the last week) and the company sends them at 4. I'm not awake at 4 - LOL.  So glad to be home with these goobs.

Day 288

Izzie is psyched to go spend time with Grandma & Grandpa Bentley so om & dad can go to a wedding. 

Day 287

Isabelle is 13lbs 4oz and 24 inches. 

Day 286

Grandma & Grandpa Bentley babysat so mom & dad could go to Billy Joel!

Day 285

This nugget actually likes green beans! WHAT?

Day 284

Somehow I skipped August 16 and now need to go back and renumber everything. 

Day 283

Love this kiddo. 

Day 282

We went to visit grandma & grandpa Bentley and Mackenzie today. Had a really nice time!

Day 281

Happy kiddo. 

Day 280

This girl has been getting stronger and stronger by the eday. She's pivoting on her tummy. Babbling up a storm too. 

Day 279

These two goobers love each other. It's so freaking cute. 

Day 278

Happy girl. 

Day 277

This is a picture of my dad when I told him I was pregnant with Jack.  So I recreated it the next year with him and Jack. And now it's just a running joke so I did it with him and Izzie. I love that he humors me. There are not many people I'd feel comfortable asking to do this silly stuff with. Cuddling with grandma.  Owning to the nature of the farm - animals need care 24/7... my parents are not always able to both make it events in MA. My dad missed Izzie's baptism & bbq.  So I brought Izzie's baptism to him. 

Day 276

Papa & Izzie snoozing while watching the Olympics.

Day 275

Someone turned 9 months old today! UTV ride. We also got the complete neurological write up from Children's today. Read it if interested: I had the pleasure of seeing Isabelle Bentley in the Stroke and Cerebrovascular Disorders Program in conjunction with my attending physician, Michael Rivkin. Isabelle was referred for initial consultation regarding her chief complaint of abnormal MRI. History is provided by her mother and review of the medical record. Although you are familiar with the patient's history, please allow me to relate pertinent portions of it for our records.  The patient is an 8 month-old girl with history of Trisomy 21, AV canal s/p repair in March, and hypothyroidism presenting for evaluation of an abnormal MRI. Isabelle was born at 36.2 weeks.  Prenatal imaging notable for AV canal and ventriculomegaly.  Diagnosis of Trisomy 21 made prenatally.  Isabelle had a head US shortly after birth that was notable for grade II IVH...

Day 274

Izzie went for her first ride in a carriage.  A little too small for this but grandpa put shims in so she can touch the floor now. 

Day 273

After an appointment that went obscenely long, we skidaddled up to New York to visit my parents for a few days. 

Day 272

Happy girl practicing sitting.

Day 271

Lovin' being outside.  Jack is teaching her how to use his car. 

Day 270

Smiley girl. 

Day 269

Jackson loves to "read" to his sister.  Isabelle still isn't a fan of putting weight on her feet so we're trying to get her to do so with this thing too. She's getting better!