
Showing posts from May, 2017

Day 4

She's going home today! Amazing. We were told it'd be 6-9 days minimum and it's 4... she's done beautifully. 

Day 3

I can't believe hoq quickly kids recover from FREAKING OPEN HEART SURGERY.  They pulled her chest tube.  What a champ.

Day 2

Dad is a rock star and staying at the hospital with Isabelle while I go to work and take care of Jackson. Huge thanks to my mom who also is taking care of Jackson. They pulled out her breathing tube and she's awake - one day early!

Heart surgery #2 day 1

We got here nice and early but not before taking a family pic at home. They did all the pre-op stuff and then took her away after giving her some Valium to calm here down.  Update #1: They made the incision around 9:40 to look around to see what they are dealing with.  Update #2: They said they have her open and have examined what they are dealing with and it looks like everything's good and that there will be no complications. Her valves look good. Update #3:  She just went on the heart-lung by pass at 10:25.   Update #4: Dr. Breitbart came in around 11:30 to chat. He knows only what we know - nothing more.  Update #5: They told us she is off the heart-lung bypass around 11:25 and are closing her up. Update #6: Everything went great. She's heading up to the cardiac ICU.  Here is a comparison picture for day q from last year to today. Looks about the same.  Here are the machines keeping her alive. 


Isabelle had her pre-op at Boston Children's today. She had blood drawn (cbc fine but thyroid is a little high - they may be able to reduce her meds). They did a chest xray which looked fine. They did an ekg and an echo. We met with a nurse practitioner, a surgical fellow, anesthesiology and her cardiologist. We found out this surgery will take longer and eh may be here longer and there are more complications than the first time. She's having LVOTO surgery. 


We went to a tulip farm in Rhode Island as a nice little family day.  Interestingly there is a connect of tulips/Holland to Down syndrome.

Pulling to stand

Little miss Isabelle is pulling to stand. So exciting.

Waving bye

Isabelle has been waving goodbye too. 

Saying hi

I am 99% convinced Isabelle is saying hi. It doesn't sound 100% like it but it's an approximation. I'm counting it as her first word. 

Swing set

Isabelle' s not really feeling the swing set this year.