Our family is doing the buddy walk on September 17 in Westborough. To donate, click here . Also, Scott is doing the 13th annual Bruins alumni game fundraiser. To donate, click here . Both help fund the Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress (MDSC). MDSC was there for us when we found out in utero Isabelle had DS. They provided us with a family to talk to and meet. We could ask these people anything. They invited us to playground while still pregnant to talk to families and experience kids with DS so it didn't seem so scary. They sent us care packages/gifts both at birth and for both of her heart surgeries. They hooked us up with hearts for Down Syndrome which gave us support and gifts during her surgeries. They set up conferences to get us more information on how to help Izzie throughout her life. They give advice on how to get the most for her - such as the fact that she automatically qualifies for mass health because of her diagnosis, regardless of...