
Showing posts from July, 2017

New crib decor

Isabelle's crib has a new motif - zebras! My favorite!

First word

Isabelle's first official word - with meaning - is "hi". When she sees people she waves and says hi. It's wicked cute.  Her pediatrician thinks she says "all done" and "I did it"... but I am seriously doubting it. 


Isabelle has been cruising furniture for a little more than 2 weeks but she's taking much bigger steps now. <3

Another tooth

Isabelle is getting her 5th tooth - top left molar. (this is posting late)


Our family is doing the buddy walk on September 17 in Westborough. To donate, click here .  Also, Scott is doing the 13th annual Bruins alumni game fundraiser. To donate, click here .  Both help fund the Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress (MDSC). MDSC was there for us when we found out in utero Isabelle had DS. They provided us with a family to talk to and meet. We could ask these people anything. They invited us to playground while still pregnant to talk to families and experience kids with DS so it didn't seem so scary. They sent us care packages/gifts both at birth and for both of her heart surgeries. They hooked us up with hearts for Down Syndrome which gave us support and gifts during her surgeries. They set up conferences to get us more information on how to help Izzie throughout her life. They give advice on how to get the most for her - such as the fact that she automatically qualifies for mass health because of her diagnosis, regardless of...


Izzie had a dentist appointment today - her first. They found out that her back right molar is coming in. She only has 2 other teeth - the bottom 2. Kids with DS's teeth come in later and in a different order, often. Other than that, her teeth look good!

3rd tooth

I forgot to post that she got her 3rd tooth. Back right molar. 

Professional pics

Here are some more professional pics - they finally came in. 


Although not always 100% accurate her current measurements are 26.5 inches and 18lbs 13oz. She is in 9/12 month clothing. She's starting to look like a toddler and her hair is growing. 


Her canvas pic came in finally. I love how the are in the same position. 

Sleep apnea

We finally got the results of Isabelle's sleep test from April. She has mild sleep apnea and snores. However her score was lower than they think because she was up for a hug portion of the night. She didn't go to bed until 10p (because she wanted to pull all the wires off). Then she woke up from 12-2. Then she slept from 2-5. So likely it's worse than mild. They recommend tonsils and adenoids come out but they can't do it before 2 years because adenoids can grow back before that - and honestly they can still grow back after it's just less likely. 


Izzie ate this thing like a champ!


Isabelle is a huge fan of the boat. She almost always falls asleep on it. 


Isabelle so far this summer has HATED swings but not today - especially with Jack pushing her: