
Showing posts from October, 2017


Isabelle is trying so hard to use a spoon.

Halloween 2017

Jack is Buzz Lightyear and Isabelle is Belle.  Scott is Woody and I was also Belle. We went to a neighborhood in Sutton where 3 of my coworkers live. Like 500 kids were out. Crazy.

New tooth

Isabelle's 10th tooth is in! Bottom left lateral incisor. 


Look who's climbing stairs!

MDSC banner

Look who the mdsc made their banner of their facebook page in support of Scott raising money for the hockey game !

New tooth

Bottom left molar came in - tooth #9.


Isabelle's speech is improving. She says the word "hi" and "all done". But she's trying to say other words SO HARD. If you leave off the last word of "Itsy bitsy spider" lines and "twinkle twinkle" lines she will try to say the missing word. It's wicked cute.  She also tried to imitate small words like "up", "down", "Jack" and "Izzie.  She's starting to randomly sign "eat" and "more" and "milk" and "all done". Also when you sing certain songs she tried to do signs like "spider" and "star".  She follows directions like "come here" and "stand up" and "give me that". 

New tooth

Izzie's 8th tooth came in. Bottom right molar. It's just broken through though so it'll take time to pop up fully.