
Isabelle is now a full, real walker. She's been doing laps around the kitchen and up and down the hallway all by herself. She has begun to say two word phrases. So far only " hi dada" and when she plays with her dolls - she puts it in the crib with a blanket over it and says "nuh night baby" - but still. She has memorized books and begun to fill in missing words. She sings entire songs to herself (although most words are gibberish, the cadence is the same). She's begun to memorize the alphabet song and can fill in letters when you stop. She follows commands really well. She's started to give hugs and kisses. Several times she's picked up a wrapper on the ground and walked it to the trash can, opened the door, and put it in all by herself. And you would never even know she had tonsils & adenoids removed this week. She hasn't really cried. She's been eating and drinking everything as normal. This kid is a tro...