Tonsils, adenoids & tubes
Take 2.
Isabelle had her tonsils & adenoids out and a second set of ear tubes placed this morning. She was in a great mood, a little runny nose and they said a little wheezy. But I told them that this is her always - it's just how she is/sounds. So they decided to do it. She was in a great mood and playing and moving all over the place.
They gave her versid to go to sleep which quickly made her sleepy.
The surgery only took a little longer because they had trouble finding a vein but other than that it went well. She had a lot of fluid behind her left ear so he drained it and put in a new tube but the right ear had a big enough hole (left in it from the previous tube) that he didn't need to put a tube in. He may need to in the future but it's better to assume it'll stay open.
She spent 6 HOURS in the recovery room because her oxygen level (SATs) was low. It was 56 when she first came off the breathing tube. Most adults are around 96 and she's normally around 99/100. Being in the 80s is bad nevermind 50s. So they bagged her and got her up to 86 on her own but that's still not good so they were giving her some oxygen for awhile. Because she came in sounding junky and because she was having trouble sustaining above a 95 they decided to have her stay in the PICU for a night.
She did better sitting up but puked up blood first. It was just stuff she swallowed during/before the surgery.
Isabelle had her tonsils & adenoids out and a second set of ear tubes placed this morning. She was in a great mood, a little runny nose and they said a little wheezy. But I told them that this is her always - it's just how she is/sounds. So they decided to do it. She was in a great mood and playing and moving all over the place.
They gave her versid to go to sleep which quickly made her sleepy.
She spent 6 HOURS in the recovery room because her oxygen level (SATs) was low. It was 56 when she first came off the breathing tube. Most adults are around 96 and she's normally around 99/100. Being in the 80s is bad nevermind 50s. So they bagged her and got her up to 86 on her own but that's still not good so they were giving her some oxygen for awhile. Because she came in sounding junky and because she was having trouble sustaining above a 95 they decided to have her stay in the PICU for a night.
She did better sitting up but puked up blood first. It was just stuff she swallowed during/before the surgery.
She definitely prefers being held.
We tried giving her a popsicle. When she saw it she immediately grabbed for it but after swallowing some, she screamed and didn't want anymore.
She was finally moved to the PICU.
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